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Biology of sea turtles

Fascinating facts about turtles

  • Sea turtles have lungs like you and me – they come to the surface to breathe air and do not use gills like fish.

  • Sea turtles cannot pull their heads into their shells, like land tortoises.

  • Sea turtles can hold their breath for hours while diving.

  • A large leatherback female turtle can lay up to a 1000 eggs in a nesting season by laying about 100 eggs, 10 times.

  • Sea turtles have no sex chromosomes – the sand temperature determines if it is a male or female.

  • Turtles travel incredible distances around the world’s oceans.

  • Turtles love the reefs along the South African coast – and we find turtles on our reefs all year round.

  • While we have learnt a lot about turtles – there is still so much to learn.

Loggerhead bio
Leatherback bio
Loggerhead Bhanga Nek (NDS).jpg
  • Sexual maturity: 36.2 years (range 28 to 44 years) at 83.7 cm SCL but high variation in all populations (10-39 years)

  • Maximum reproductive lifespan ~ 18 years, 28 years North Western Atlantic, 37 years South Western Pacific

  • Generation length 45 years, 62.8 years. Lifespan estimation in marine turtles using genomic promoter CpG density.

  • Weight maximum = 107 kg / mean size = 85 cm

Loggerhead turtle

Caretta caretta

2021-12-08 00.31.05.jpg
  • Sexual maturity: 14-22 years at 121 cm CCL (extreme variation depending on environmental conditions) / 20 years to maturity

  • Maximum reproductive lifespan: ~ 19 years

  • Generation length 30 years, 90.4 years

  • Weight: maximum adult: 646 kg / mean size = 160 cm

Leatherback sea turtle

Dermochelys coriacea

Green turtle nesting in Maputaland First known case 16 Jan 2014 GRH Collection 2ae.jpg
  • Sexual maturity: 26-44 years at 99 cm SCL (varies depending on location for all species)

  • Maximum reproductive lifespan unknown in South Africa, 17-23 years in Australia

  • Generation length ~ 35-50 years but maximum age not yet determined

  • Weight max adult = 210 kg / mean size SWIO = ~ 110 cm



Green turtle

Chelonia mydas

Mortimer_JeanneA Hawksbill nesting SeychellesHB DSC01263 crop.jpg
  • Sexual maturity: 20-40 years

  • Maximum reproductive lifespan 14-22 years

  • Generation length 35-45 years, 53.2 years

  • Weight = ~ 50 kg / size = 82 cm

Hawksbill turtle

Eretmochelys imbricata

Olive Ridley nesting.JPG
  • Sexual maturity: 10-18 years

  • Maximum reproductive lifespan unknown

  • Generation length 20 years, 54.3 years

  • Weight = ~ 40 kg (Australia) / size = ~ 70 cm

Olive ridley

Lepidochelys olivacea

green turtle bio
hawksbill bio
olive ridley bio
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